Steps to Install Sod

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  • Contact a local TPI member regarding specific soil needs
  • Remove all debris from the area
  • Grade area to desired contours
  • Rototill or spade area to the depth of 10-15 cm (4-6″)
  • Eliminate drainage problems by having soil slope away from foundations, etc.
  • Peat Moss can be added to improve the composition of the soil. Use 2 to 4 bales of 6 cu. ft. size per 100 sq. metres if desired
  • Soil test your lawn with the assistance of a qualified service in your area. Top Soil should be available to a depth of 8 to 10 cm. If this amount of top soil is not available, it must be added.
  • Prepare the soil by rototilling to a depth of 8 to 10 cm. rototilling first one way, and then the other way.
  • Add Fertilizer, lime, peat, compost, etc. as needed at the rate of 10 Kilograms per 100 sq. metres and rototill or rake to a depth of 7-10 cm.
  • Recommend fertilizer 5-20-20 or similar ratio. Rake top 3 cm. to a smooth, even surface, and roll lightly to show up any depressions.
  • Rake and smooth the soil, removing rocks, roots and large clods
  • Roll the area lightly with a lawn roller 1/3 full of water to firm surface and reveal areas that need more soil
  • Keep the grade 2-3cm (1″) below sidewalks or driveway
  • Water the prepared area to settle soil and provide a moist base for turf to a depth of 15cm (6″)
  • Sod should be laid as soon as possible. Never later than 24 hours after delivery.

Lay Sodinstall sod grass, install sod in ontario, how to lay sod

  1. Have the ground completely prepared before you order your sod.
  2. People who are not accustomed to physical labour should pace themselves accordingly and if necessary get help from friends.
  3. Stack the sod in the shade, or cover with moist burlap, if not laid in 8 hours.
  4. Locate a straight line, such as a curb or driveway, or run a taut string up the middle of the area to be sodded.
  5. Work along this line to establish the first row.
  6. With a rake, smooth the area immediately ahead of sodding.
  7. Lay in Brick-Work fashion. Make sure all joints are butted tightly together without overlapping.
  8. Staking is advisable on extreme slopes.
  9. To fit non rectangular edges, and small areas, cut the sod with a knife or hatchet.
  10. Go over the area with a one-third filled roller to press the roots to the soil.
  11. Saturate the area with water immediately. One liter of water in the first hour does more than six liters three hours later. See the new sod watering schedule here.
  12. Your newly sodded lawn generally needs mowing after 6-7 days. Now that you have established your lawn of freshly cut sod, grown by a qualified nursery sod grower you must decide how good a lawn you want.

* If it is to be a top maintenance lawn you should follow the entire program outlined above.

* If you want a minimum maintenance lawn, attention to the first three points is sufficient.

Turf After-caresod watering, watering a new sod lawn

Your new sod lawn increases your property value significantly. With proper care, it will remain a great asset, providing beauty, a clean playing surface and an improved environment.

Here are some tips to keep your new lawn healthy after you install sod:

– Mow turf often – generally no more than a 1/3 of grass height ( generally 1.5-2″ mowing height)

– Keep your mower blade sharp

– Follow local TPI mowing recommendations for your type of lawn

– Fertilizer and chemical applications will depend on climate, sod type, soil, insects, weed, and disease conditions

– For fertilizer and maintenance requirements, consult with our staff A&M Sod Supply is a TPI Member.

Turf Grass Producers International, TPI, TPI Sod Growers, TPI members